February 9, 2013

Movie Review: Warm Bodies (2013)


Warm Bodies (2013)
A Movie Review by Dave Randal

Genre: Comedy | Horror | Romance
Cast: Nicholas Hoult, Teresa Palmer, Rob Corddry, Dave Fanco
Director: Jonathan Levine
Writers: Jonathan Levine
Studios: Mandeville Films
Distributed by: Summit Entertainment
Release Date: February 1, 2013
Plot: After R (a highly unusual zombie) saves Julie from an attack, the two form a relationship that sets in motion a sequence of events that might transform the entire lifeless world. 

When I first saw the trailer for Warm Bodies I was pleasently surprised to see a decent original idea when it came to the zombie movie genre.  In the last ten years it seems like the idea of the zombie movie has just become more and more popular.  I'm a huge fan of zombie movies so I say bring them all on.  Sure there are a lot of horrible zombie movies out there, but there are also a few really good ones.  Is Warm Bodies one of those good ones?  Well kind of.

The movie takes place in an apocalyptic city where the majority of people have become infected and are turning into zombies.  One zombie named R(due to the fact that he can't remember his name) has the ability to think, but not remember anything about his past.  He goes off to hunt for human flesh and brains with a pack of other zombies and while they attack some survivors he falls in love at first sight with a girl named Julie.  He saves Julie and takes her back to his abandoned airplane.

Warm Bodies is a pretty original movie, but it also borrows quite a bit from a few other movies.  The whole idea of having a zombie as the main character is somewhat original although you could say it has been done in other ways in movies like Dead Heat (1988).  The story is very much influenced by Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet and it works pretty well.

The movie stars Nicholas Hoult who is a young English actor.  He really carries the movie as the zombie character R and does some really decent narration.  Rob Corddry plays his best friend and both of them show a lot of range as actors due to the fact that they had to tone down their emotions so much because well you know there zombies.  Teresa Palmer plays the girl Julie that R falls in love with and also gives a pretty good performance.

Overall the movie was alright, but I was hoping for a little bit more from this.  It pretty much went exactly the way I thought it would after seeing the trailer.  There are a lot of funny parts, but in some ways it almost makes it a bit too goofy.  I really liked the way they used the music in this and would say that is one of the movie's strong points.  I give the original writer and the filmmakers credit for the original idea and I'm personally satisfied with the movie, but I just wish they had put a bit more into the story.

Dave Randal's Rating- http://i1242.photobucket.com/albums/gg521/CoolMovieGuy/handsignAOkay.png A-Okay
Learn the Randal Rating System

Dave Randal's Star Rating- ★★★(3) out of ★★★★★(5)

1 comment:

  1. Good review Dave. It's a nice, little movie that makes the great idea of paying more attention to it's characters than anything else, and really made me glad and happy deep-down inside.
