December 2, 2012

Mini Movie Review: I, Robot (2004) 

I, Robot (2004)
A Mini Movie Review by Dave Randal

 Plot: In the year 2035 a techno-phobic cop investigates a crime that may have been perpetrated by a robot, which leads to a larger threat to humanity. 

I'll start this off by saying that I enjoy Will Smith in his popcorn action movie roles.  Although they have flaws I think Independence Day (1996) and Men in Black (1997) are decent big blockbuster action movies.  I, Robot almost does it for me in the same way as those two movies, but the convoluted script just doesn't allow me to like it as much.

Basically Will Smith is trying to solve a mystery by reading into some clues left behind by a now dead famous roboticist named Dr. Alfred Lanning.  The biggest problem I have with that is why didn't the doctor just write a note or something explaining everything?  Why does it have to be ridiculously convoluted?  It really is a shame because other than that one thing I actually really liked this movie in the same way that I really liked Men in Black.

This movie would have gotten an easy four out of five stars from me, but the script just nags at me.  I should note that the original short stories that this movie is loosely based off of did not have this same problem as far as I can remember.  All this movie really needed was an improved reworked script and it would have been a whole lot better.

Dave Randal's Rating-  A-Okay

Damien's Star Rating-  ★★½(2
½) out of ★★★★★(5)

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