January 22, 2013

Mini Movie Review: Mulholland Falls (1996)


Mulholland Falls (1996)
A Mini Movie Review by Dave Randal

Plot: In 1950's Los Angeles, a special crime squad of the LAPD investigates the murder of a young woman.

I went ahead and watched this movie due to the fact that it is inspired by the same true story that the new movie Gangster Squad is also inspired by.  I was only a kid when it came out, but I was still surprised that I had never heard of it before.  Nick Nolte still had a name at the time, but you could see that his star was definitely falling.

The first thing I noticed about this movie is that it is very dated.  Sure it is a period piece, but I mean that it is dated when it comes to the story.  There just isn't much there.  You could see a better plot on a modern day police show like Criminal Minds compared to what they have here.  I went into this movie thinking that it would be the notorious hat squad taking on gangsters and it isn't exactly that at all.  It goes into a weird direction with a conspiracy plot and it just doesn't seem like it fits very well.

Nick Nolte's character is okay, but the other three in the squad aren't very well developed at all.  Michael Madsen and Chris Penn are barley given anything to do.  Overall this movie was just a huge disappointment.

Dave Randal's Rating- http://i1242.photobucket.com/albums/gg521/CoolMovieGuy/handsignThumbsDown.png Thumbs Down

Dave Randal's Star Rating-  ½(1½) out of ★★★★★(5)


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